Conference Delights June 7, 2016

One hundred and fifty people attended this year’s twelfth clinical supervision conference sponsored by the National Association of Social Workers – North Carolina chapter.   A full house for this opportunity to acquire specific knowledge about supervising licensed clinical social worker associates.  A sold out house, with every seat available filled.

By a show of hands, a few in attendance – maybe five – had been to one of these conferences in the past.  Since the conference started twelve years ago – and was at bigger venues is the past with perhaps two hundred in attendance – that means it is possible that up to two thousand licensed clinical social workers have a base of knowledge about clinical supervision to apply.

What would you have gotten had you attended?  An entire day spent with Rob Van Meir learning the history of the practice of supervision; a condensed tutorial on the role of the North Carolina Social Work Certification and Licensure Board by one of the staff and one of the Board members of the NCSWCLB; a half day session on the supervision of dually licensed associates (in the social work and the substance abuse fields); a half day of cultural competency and ethics.  And a condensed tutorial on supervising to promote adherence to evidence based therapy by this author.  The enthusiastic attendees had multiple opportunities to ask probing questions of the presenters during the presentations and throughout the day.

Next year’s conference will be at the same location in Winston-Salem, and while a date hasn’t been set yet, mark your calendars, and post an email to:

[email protected]

And please remember: If you are seeking the North Carolina Substance Abuse Professional Practice Board’s Certified Clinical Supervisor credential, you can use these hours towards the thirty hours of continuing education units for that credential.